4 Things to Consider When Choosing an Eye Doctor for Your Family

Choosing the right optometrist is not always an easy task. Don’t take a chance on your eyes follow these four simple tips to find the perfect eye doctor.

Many people tend to neglect the importance of regular visits to your optometrist, but it’s important to remember that these eye exams aren’t just an optional extra to be thrown into your broader regime of medical appointments: they are a necessity. 

Regular visits to the eye doctor are important for adults and children because:

  • Your eye doctor can detect signs of any serious eye diseases, such as glaucoma, AMD, and cataracts early on
  • It will lead to lower health care costs
  • They’ll ensure you’re wearing the right prescription for clearer and more comfortable vision
  • Regular visits will reduce your risk of vision loss

Our Calgary Optometrists Provide Eye Health Services for Adults and Children 

At our Calgary eye clinic in Sunridge Mall, our team of friendly and knowledgeable eye doctors provide services for children, adults, and seniors, including emergency eye care, cataract management, and glaucoma testing. No matter what your concerns are, we can help protect your eye health and ensure your vision remains clear and comfortable. 

Want to know more? 


4 Things to Think About When Choosing an Eye Doctor for Your Family 

Considering just how important clear and comfortable vision is for your quality of life, choosing the right optometrist for your family is extremely important. That’s why it’s crucial for you to do your homework when choosing an eye doctor. 

Here are four things you must do when choosing an eye doctor for you and your children: 

  1. Get referrals. One of the best ways to ensure that you are working with the right eye doctor for you and your children is by asking for recommendations, whether it’s from your family, friends, or primary health care physician. However, keep in mind that an ideal optometrist for your friend may not be right for you, so it always pays to do additional research alongside an acquaintance’s recommendation.
  2. Ask about the eye doctor’s experience. An optometrist’s experience matters, especially if you have an eye condition that could affect your vision. Years of experience in the field means that your eyes are in good hands, so always ask for an optometrist’s work and education history.
  3. Ensure they use modern technology. The tools and equipment used to examine and treat eye issues have developed hugely and the best eye doctors will leverage the power of new technology to provide cutting-edge services. Working with an eye doctor who understands this will ensure that the services you receive are accurate, efficient, and cost-effective.
  4. Check that the price is right. Your ideal optometrist will fall within your price range. Always find out about how much things costs before receiving treatment because you don’t want to undergo any examinations or procedures, only to be surprised with a big bill at the end. Also keep in mind that your eye health is key to your overall well-being, so it can be worth paying a little more to receive high quality service.

Questions to Think About After Visiting an Eye Doctor 

After an initial visit to the eye doctor you have selected, you must think about whether or not you were satisfied with the service. You may want to ask yourself the following questions: 

  • How long did you have to wait for the eye doctor?
  • Did the eye exam feel too rushed?
  • Were all your questions and concerns answered?
  • How comfortable did you feel talking to the eye doctor?

It’s very important that you feel positive about the vision care you receive, so ask yourself if you are happy with the eye doctor you selected, or if you want to carry on with your search. 

Contact Us

To find out more about our range of eye health services and how we can help protect your eye health and maintain clear and comfortable vision, contact us at 403-280-7518 or fill in our online contact form.

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