Digital Eye Strain Blog Articles

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June 2024

Calgary Digital Eye Strain: How to Enjoy a Screen-Free Summer and Reduce Eye Strain

Summer in Calgary is a time of long sunny days, outdoor adventures, and cherished moments with family and friends. However, as we increasingly rely on digital devices for work, entertainment, and communication, many of us find ourselves glued to. . .


July 2023
Presbyopia and Digital Eye Strain: Minimizing The Impact

Presbyopia and Digital Eye Strain: Minimizing The Impact

What Is Digital Eye Strain? As technology continues to advance, our reliance on digital devices has become increasingly ingrained in our daily lives. Whether it's work-related tasks, social media engagement, or simply reading e-books, we. . .


April 2023
Can Digital Eye Strain Make Your Vision Worse?

Can Digital Eye Strain Make Your Vision Worse?

Will Digital Eye Strain Affect My Vision? First, it's important to understand that digital eye strain does not cause any permanent damage to the eyes. The symptoms are temporary and can usually be relieved by taking breaks from digital. . .


March 2023
The Link Between Blue Light and Sleep Quality

The Link Between Blue Light and Sleep Quality

The Problem With Blue Light The reason that blue light interrupts our circadian rhythms is that blue light has a shorter wavelength than other colours in the visible light spectrum, which means that it is more stimulating to the brain. When we. . .


February 2022
Sunridge Eye clinic - Blog - What Are The Symptoms Of Digital Eye Strain

What Are The Symptoms Of Digital Eye Strain?

Digital Eye Strain Causes Of Digital Eye Strain Reading text on a computer or digital device is often more difficult for the eyes than reading text on paper. When working at your computer, your eyes have to focus and refocus constantly. You. . .


December 2021
Find Relief From Digital Eye Strain | Calgary Optometrist- Eye Doctor

Find Relief From Digital Eye Strain

What Causes Digital Eye Strain? Many people experience eye discomfort and vision problems when viewing digital screens for extended periods. On average, we blink 15-20 times per minute. Blinking is a critical component of keeping your eyes. . .


January 2020
Optometrist Calgary NE, Sunridge Mall Eye Clinic, Sunridge Mall Eye Doctor, NE Calgary Eye Exam

3 Benefits of Wearing Blue Light Blocking Lenses

Studies have shown that the blue light emitted from our digital devices, such as laptops, computers, and cellphones have been linked to dry eyes, cataracts, and age related macular degeneration. If you do spend a lot of time in front of the screen,. . .


January 2018
5 Harmful Habits to Avoid For Healthy Eyes

5 Harmful Habits to Avoid For Healthy Eyes

Our eyes are vitally important because they allow us to view the world around us and learn from what we see. Keep them healthy by AVOIDING these harmful habits.   Your eyes are a very important part of your health.   Precise vision plays a. . .


August 2017
Calgary Optometrist 6 Vision Problems That May Be Behind Your Headaches

6 Vision Problems That May Be Behind Your Headaches

Millions of Canadians suffer from headaches. What many aren’t aware of, however, is that a new pair of eyeglasses or contact lenses can help.   Have you recently been suffering from headaches? If so, it may be time to schedule an appointment. . .


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