3 Simple Steps To Find The Right Eye Centre For Your Needs

Are you looking for a state-of-the art eye centre in Calgary that will give you affordable and high quality vision care? Here are 3 tips for finding the right vision centre for your needs & how our Calgary optometrists can help protect your ocular health.

Many people believe that regular visits to their Calgary eye centre is just an optional extra to be thrown in along with the broader regime of medical appointments and check-ups. The truth? Regular appointments with your optometrist are a necessity.

Some of the most common and dangerous eye conditions have no symptoms in their early stages, which is why it’s recommended that adults have routine eye checkups and visits with their eye doctor. This will:

  • Allow you to enjoy clearer and more comfortable vision
  • Lead to early diagnosis of any vision problems such as glaucoma or AMD
  • Enhance your performance in school or the office
  • Lower your risk of vision loss
  • Lower your health care costs


Comprehensive Vision Services at Our Calgary Eye Care Centre

At Sunridge, a leading vision centre in Calgary, our qualified and experienced optometrists provide a wide range of eye care services for your entire family, including children/senior eye exams, cataract management, eye emergency care, and more, to ensure that your vision always remains protected, clear, and comfortable.

Want to know more?



3 Tips For Choosing The Right Vision Centre in Calgary

Whether you need your first eye exam, or you are experiencing certain changes in your vision, the best place to start is by finding the right eye care centre for your needs. By selecting a vision centre that offers state-of-the-art equipment and quality services, you can be sure that your eye health is always protected.

If you are searching for a vision centre in Calgary, here are some steps to follow:

1. Check Referrals

One of the surest ways of finding a vision centre that fits your needs is by getting referrals. This will ensure you find an optometrist who provides high quality services. When looking for a centre, make sure to get referrals and reviews from:

  • Professional organizations
  • Family members and friends
  • Online reviews
  • Your family doctor or any other medical professional

By getting first-hand accounts of eye clinics you are reviewing, you will avoid any costly mistakes and ensure that you receive the comprehensive vision services you require.



2. Ask About the Optometrist’s Credentials

To make the most informed decision about which vision centre to visit, you must research an optometrist’s qualifications. This will let you know if he/she has the required training and expertise to treat a variety of vision problems.

Remember, all optometrists must have completed a 4-year Doctor of Optometry degree IN ADDITION to a 4 year undergraduate program.

In addition to this, you should always confirm that your optometrist:

  • Keeps up with current industry trends and best practices
  • Actively participates in educational conferences and continued learning
  • Has no history of malpractice

During your search, make sure you visit the vision clinics and talk to the optometrists. Raise any questions or concerns you may have as this will allow you to make the most informed decision for your eye health.

3. Know What Your Insurance Covers

If you have a vision plan, then you should choose an eye clinic that participates in your plan, so you can make sure that you receive the most from your insurance benefits and pay the least amount possible out of pocket.

Never Compromise Your Eye Health

However, you should never compromise your eye doctor’s credentials, communication style, and experience as you go about selecting an optometrist from your plan.


Benefits of Visiting Sunridge Eye Care Centre in Calgary

At Sunridge Eye Clinic, we understand just how important good vision is to the quality of your life. We are a family eye care centre, serving patients of all ages including children, seniors, and adults. We offer many benefits to our patients, including:

  • Routine eye exams for the whole family
  • Emergency eye care
  • Open 7 days a week (alternate Sundays)
  • Direct billing and easy online bookings
  • Affordable and high quality eyeglasses


Call Today

To find out more about our comprehensive vision services, and how our qualified team of friendly and professional optometrists can help protect the ocular health of your entire family, visit our Calgary eye clinic at 2525 36 St NE, Unit 157. Alternatively, you can contact our optometrists at 403-280-7518 or book an appointment online.

Alternatively, you can contact our optometrists at 403-280-7518 or book an appointment online.


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