Are Contact Lenses A Good Option For Your Child?

A common question many parents have about their children and contact lenses is: when is my child old enough to wear contact lenses?

Although many kid’s eye doctors begin encouraging lens wear between the ages of 11-14, contact lens wear is not necessarily a function of a child’s age but rather their level of maturity and whether they are able to care for their lenses properly.

Through a comprehensive contact lens fitting, our Calgary kid’s eye doctor can help determine whether or not contact lenses is the right option for your child.

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How to Tell If Your Child Is Ready For Contact Lenses

If your child has begun to express interest in wearing contact lenses, it’s important to book an appointment with your kid’s eye doctor. In addition, you should ask yourself the following questions before making the ultimate decision:

  • Is my child mature enough to take care of their contact lenses properly?
  • Is my child familiar enough with proper hygiene practices required to keep their eyes healthy?
  • Will these improve the quality of my child’s life?
  • Does my child have any medical conditions that could interfere with contact lenses?
  • Does my child play sports?

As most kid’s eye doctors can attest to, if your child has poor grooming habits and needs frequent reminders to perform everyday chores, they may not be ready for the responsibility of wearing and caring for contacts.

On the other hand, if they are conscientious and handle responsibility well, then they may be an excellent candidate for contact-lens wear, regardless of their age.


Benefits of Contact Lens Wear For Children

Contact lenses are a great way for both adults and children to see the world more clearly without the hassle that comes with wearing eyeglasses.

Contact lenses offer many benefits for children including:

1. Contact Lenses & Sports

Many children are active in sports and contact lenses offer several advantages over eyeglasses during these activities. Unlike glasses,lenses will not fog up, get streaked with perspiration or get knocked off.

Contact lenses also provide better peripheral vision, which can drastically improve your child’s performance on the field.

Tip from our Calgary Kid’s Doctor: For sports, soft contact lenses are the best option. They are larger and fit closer to the eye than rigid gas permeable lenses, so there is little chance they will dislodge during rigorous activity.

Contact Lenses vs Eyeglasses


2. Controlling Nearsightedness

If your child is nearsighted, rigid gas permeable (RGP) contact lenses may be the best option. In certain cases, RGP lenses have been found to slow the progression of nearsightedness in children and also provide sharper vision than soft contact lenses.

Guide To Contact Lenses


3. Building Self-Esteem

Some children feel uncomfortable about the way they look in glasses and become overly self-conscious about their appearance when wearing them. Switching to contact lenses can often improve their self-confidence, in turn improving their performance in school and participation in social activities.


Eyeglasses Will Still Be Required

Even if your child decides to wear contact lenses, they still need an up-to-date pair of eyeglasses. It is important to remember that contact lenses should be removed IMMEDIATELY if they are causing any eye discomfort.

If you notice any redness or your child is complaining of dry eyes, book an appointment with your kid’s eye doctor to ensure the health of your child’s vision.

Contact Lens Safety Tips


Book an Appointment Today

To learn more about the benefits and costs of contact lenses for children, or to book a contact lens fitting with our kid’s eye doctor. Contact our Sunridge Mall Eye Clinic at 403-280-7518 or use our online contact form.

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