Calgary Dry Eye: Tips for Managing Dry Eyes During Calgary's Forest Fire Season

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Calgary Dry Eye: Tips for Managing Dry Eyes During Calgary's Forest Fire Season

Calgary's forest fire season brings more than just smoky skies; it can wreak havoc on your eyes, leaving them dry and irritated. At Sunridge Eye Clinic, we understand the challenges this season poses for your eye health. Discover effective tips to keep your eyes hydrated and comfortable, from staying indoors and using air purifiers to applying preservative-free eye drops and practicing good eye hygiene. Don’t let the smoke get in your eyes this summer. For personalized care and expert advice, visit Sunridge Eye Clinic and ensure your eyes stay healthy and clear. Schedule an appointment today to get the relief you need and enjoy a smoke-free view all season long! 

Calgary’s beautiful summers are often accompanied by an unfortunate side effect: forest fire smoke. While these fires can be miles away, the smoke they produce can travel great distances, affecting air quality and exacerbating dry eye symptoms for many Calgary residents. If you’re finding your eyes more irritated and uncomfortable during forest fire season, you’re not alone. At Sunridge Eye Clinic, we understand the challenges this can bring and are here to offer some compassionate advice on how to manage dry eyes during this time. 

Understand the Impact of Forest Fire Smoke 

Forest fire smoke is filled with tiny particles that can irritate your eyes, making dry eye symptoms worse. These particles include ash, soot, and other debris that can cause your eyes to feel gritty, itchy, and dry. The smoke can also decrease the amount of tear film on your eyes, which is essential for keeping them lubricated. Knowing how smoke affects your eyes is the first step in managing your symptoms effectively. 

Keep Your Eyes Hydrated 

Staying hydrated is crucial for overall health, but it’s especially important for eye health during forest fire season. Drinking plenty of water helps maintain the moisture levels in your eyes. In addition, using artificial tears or lubricating eye drops can provide immediate relief. Opt for preservative-free options if you need to use them more than four times a day to avoid further irritation. 

Limit Outdoor Exposure 

One of the most effective ways to protect your eyes from smoke is to limit your exposure to it. Try to stay indoors as much as possible during high smoke periods. When you do need to go outside, wearing wraparound sunglasses can help shield your eyes from irritating particles. Additionally, consider using an air purifier at home to keep indoor air as clean as possible. This can significantly reduce the amount of smoke and allergens that enter your home and irritate your eyes. 

Use a Humidifier 

Smoke can dry out the air, compounding the problem of dry eyes. Using a humidifier in your home can help maintain a healthy level of humidity, which can prevent your eyes from drying out further. Place the humidifier in the rooms where you spend the most time, particularly your bedroom, to ensure you’re breathing in moist air while you sleep. This simple step can make a big difference in alleviating dry eye symptoms. 

Practice Good Eye Hygiene 

Good eye hygiene is essential, especially during forest fire season. Avoid rubbing your eyes, as this can introduce more irritants and exacerbate dryness. Make it a habit to wash your hands frequently and avoid touching your face. If you wear contact lenses, consider switching to glasses on particularly smoky days to reduce irritation. Regularly cleaning your glasses can also help remove any particulate buildup from the smoke. 

Managing dry eyes during Calgary’s forest fire season can be challenging, but with the right strategies, you can protect your eyes and reduce discomfort. Understanding how smoke impacts your eyes, staying hydrated, limiting outdoor exposure, using a humidifier, and practicing good eye hygiene are all effective ways to keep your eyes healthy and comfortable. At Sunridge Eye Clinic, we’re here to support you through every season. If you’re experiencing severe or persistent dry eye symptoms, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for personalized care and advice. Your eye health is our priority, and we’re dedicated to helping you see and feel your best, even during the smoky days of summer. 

Written on behalf of Sunridge Eye Clinic. 


Q: What causes dry eyes during forest fire season?
A: Forest fire smoke contains tiny particles that can irritate the eyes and reduce tear film, leading to dry eyes. 

Q: How can I protect my eyes from forest fire smoke?
A: Limit outdoor exposure, wear wraparound sunglasses, use an air purifier indoors, and keep windows closed. 

Q: What are the symptoms of dry eyes caused by smoke?
A: Symptoms include redness, irritation, itching, burning sensation, and a gritty feeling in the eyes. 

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