How to Naturally Take Care of Your Eyes

Are you looking for ways to take care of your eyes naturally? Aside from seeing your Calgary optometrist? We spoke with our eye clinic Calgary expert and had them gather some of their best tips for taking care of your eyes at home.

While we all know our optometrists are the best people to take care of our eyes, the current COVID-19 pandemic has made accessing them outside of emergency situations not possible. With all of us prescribed some extra time at home amid the outbreak, we wanted to share with you some tips for taking care of your eyes while doing so. 

Are you experiencing an eye emergency or require urgent eye care? Sunridge Eye Clinic is still here to help during COVID-19. 

Telehealth Lines Now Open For Your Eye Health During COVID-19

1. Exercise Regularly

Even if it's just a walk around the block, regular exercise is extremely beneficial when it comes to your overall eye health. Doing so will help reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes or cardiovascular disease, two conditions which put you at much greater risk for developing a chronic eye disease. So get out there and stroll around your neighbourhood!

2. Eat Plenty of Fruits and Vegetables

This tip goes hand in hand with keeping a healthy weight, which is also important when it comes to keeping your eyes healthy. People who are obese or overweight are unfortunately at higher risk of having elevated inflammation or blood pressure, which can both contribute to eye health issues. Along with keeping a healthy weight, make sure your diet includes plenty of colourful fruits and vegetables such as spinach and carrots. These types of food, along with omega-3 fatty acids, are great for overall eye health. 

3. Keep Your Hands Away from Your Eyes!

With all the talk lately of not touching our faces due to COVID-19, this tip should be an easy one to remember. Whenever you touch your eyes with your hands you risk infecting them, and rubbing your eyes too hard could even lead to a scratched cornea. If something is stuck in your eye, try to flush it out with a saline solution. If that proves to be unsuccessful and you find yourself in pain or discomfort, contact your emergency eye doctor Calgary as soon as possible. 

Are you experiencing an eye emergency or require urgent eye care? Sunridge Eye Clinic is still here to help during COVID-19. 

Telehealth Lines Now Open For Your Eye Health During COVID-19


4. Shield Your Eyes from the Sun

Damaging UVA and UVB rays can lead to macular degeneration or cataracts over time. Make sure you safeguard your vision by wearing sunglasses that block at least 99 per cent of these rays while you're outside. At Sunridge Eye Clinic we can even craft prescription sunglasses for you, so you don't have to worry about annoying clip ons or compromising your vision when shielding your eyes from the sun.  

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To find out more about our comprehensive vision services, and how our eye doctors can help protect your eye and overall health, us at 403-280-7518.

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