Signs Of Serious Eye Conditions

Certain eye conditions require urgent care—not an appointment with your optometrist two weeks later. These vision problems need to be looked at immediately or they could cause vision loss or even permanent blindness. 

Eye conditions that demand swift action include injuries, stuck objects, conjunctivitis, too many floaters, and sudden vision loss. Keep this in mind if these problems ever happen to you.

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Know When To Get Urgent Eye Care

People usually think of eye care as a long-term endeavour involving preventative measures and frequent visits to optometrists. 

But eye care is also about recognizing when your eyes need immediate medical attention from a doctor. After all, you will not have much vision to worry or care about if you mismanage an eye emergency. 

Sunridge Eye Clinic deeply cares about its customers’ well-being. If you suffer an eye injury or contract a condition that warrants urgent eye care, contact us right away at (403) 280-7518 or fill out our online contact form. Alberta Health Care covers all emergency eye care visits at our clinic. 

You Should Get Emergency Eye Care When… 

Knowing when to schedule a visit to the optometrist or when to rush into the emergency room for your eye problem is not always evident. You could be surprised that some eye conditions that seem manageable actually require expedited care. 
Here are some instances when you absolutely need to see the doctor:

When you receive an eye injury:

You get hit in the eye while playing your favourite sport. Tears start swelling and your vision gets blurry. You recover momentarily, but you should probably go see a doctor immediately. 

Getting hit or poked in the eye often results in a scratched cornea, which is difficult to diagnose by yourself. Often, the discomfort is manageable, which makes people think they can avoid going to the doctor. However, a scratched cornea that is allowed to fester will almost certainly create significant vision problems down the road. 

If you ever suspect that your cornea is damaged, wash your eyes with clean water. See a doctor as soon as you can if the discomfort persists. Do not rub your eyes in the meantime. 

Generally, scratched corneas respond well to treatment. Applying antibiotic ointments and wearing an eye patch for a period should be enough for your eyes to recover. 

When you have something in your eye:

If a speck of dirt or metal lands in your eye, you can try flushing it out with clean water. Make sure your hands are clean in the process and try to be gentle with your eye. 

If you cannot remove the object from your eye, bandage it before seeking treatment. 

Also, if the object has inflicted visible damage to your eye or vision or if you have gotten chemicals in your eye, do not bother with home treatment and see a doctor immediately.  

When you contract conjunctivitis:

While pink eye often resolves on its own, it may require urgent care in certain cases. If your condition does not get better within a week, you should seek medical help. 

You should also seek aid if your conjunctivitis becomes painful or makes your vision blurry. 

Finally, note that newborns should not be developing conjunctivitis. Contact a doctor immediately if they do. 

When you experience too many floaters:

These little specks that occasionally appear in your field of vision are nothing to worry about. However, the sudden appearance of multiple floaters may indicate a retinal detachment or retinal tearing. 

Damage to the retina does not always result in pain, which makes it easy to ignore. Negligence could lead to vision loss and permanent blindness. 

A doctor can surgically reattach or repair a detached or damaged retina. 

When you experience sudden vision loss:

Losing your visual faculty out of nowhere may be a sign of stroke, which mandates a trip to the emergency room post-haste. 

Better Safe Than Sorry 

Do not ignore signs of serious eye conditions. Even if you are not sure your eye condition warrants a trip to the doctor, it is better to play it safe than sorry. Seek urgent help if you:

  • Receive an eye injury 
  • Have something in your eye
  • Contract conjunctivitis
  • Experience many floaters at the same time
  • Experience sudden vision loss 

Our eye doctors at Sunridge Eye Clinic are always prepared for eye emergencies. Remember to call (403) 280-7518 or fill out our online contact form to get your treatment started right away if you experience any of these incidents.


Do I need to pay for emergency eye care?
Alberta Health Care covers all emergency eye care visits at Sunridge Eye Clinic. 

What should I NOT do in the event of an eye emergency?
In the event of an eye emergency, do not:

  • Apply pressure or rub your eye
  • Use your hands or tweezers to remove objects from your eye
  • Self-medicate

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