Why You Should Wear Contact Lenses When Playing Sports

Not only are contact lenses more practical than eyeglasses for active people, they are also perfectly safe to wear when engaging in intense physical activity.

Not everyone can have 20/20 vision, and if you rely on prescription eyewear to see clearly, it becomes even more important if you are engaging in sports or other activities.

But What Is Better When Playing Sports - Wearing Eyeglasses or Contact Lenses?

While the choice between contact lenses and eyeglasses is very personal, and should be determined with the guidance of your optometrist, wearing contact lenses is a very safe alternative, and is less likely to cause an eye injury than traditional eyeglasses.

Benefits of Wearing Contact Lenses For Sports

Whether you play sports professionally or follow a strict gym routine, contact lenses are possibly the most convenient option for correcting your vision.

There are a number of benefits of wearing them over eyeglasses when playing sports, including:

  • Improved Field of Vision

Not only do contact lenses allow you to see what’s directly in front of you, but they also improve your peripheral vision by offering a sharp image from the corner of your eye.

  • Unobstructed View

Unlike eyeglasses, contact lenses do not have a frame that could block your view, greatly improving your performance on the field.

  • Better Safety

When playing sports, there is always a risk of getting hit by a fellow player or ball. In such a case, eyeglasses can shatter and cause an eye injury, whereas contact lenses are far less likely to get affected.

  • Clearer Lenses

No matter the weather, your contact lenses will not get dirty or foggy while you’re playing.

  • More Comfortable

Eyeglasses can pose a distraction to athletes. On the other hand, contact lenses will never slip, fall or need to be adjusted in the middle of a game.


What Type of Contact Lenses Should I Wear?

Finding the right contact lenses to wear for sports will allow you to reach your highest potential out on the field. That’s why many eye doctors recommend wearing lenses made of silicone hydrogel.

Some of the benefits of this type of contact lens include:

  • up to 5 times more breathable than regular contact lenses
  • less dry eye
  • resistant to protein buildup and other harmful substances
  • reduces your risk of eye infection, dryness and redness
Do you normally wear eyeglasses?

If you prefer wearing your eyeglasses, you should talk to your optometrist about daily disposables for sports. They do not require any maintenance and can simply be thrown away following the game or practice.


Contact Lenses for Active Children

The above benefits aren’t just for adults! If your kid has an active lifestyle, you may want to talk to your eye doctor about the possible alternatives to traditional eyeglasses.

Through a comprehensive contact lens fitting, a children’s eye doctor can determine whether or not contact lenses are the right choice for your child and can best advise on how to look after them to ensure your kid’s vision stays clear and healthy.  BOOK NOW >


We Can Help Protect Your Vision

At Sunridge Optometry, our Calgary eye doctors provide eye health services for both children & adults, including contact lens fittings and eye exams, to help find the best vision correction solution to suit your lifestyle and keep your eyes safe. To find out more about how contact lenses can help enhance your athletic performance and protect your vision, contact our Calgary eye clinic today at 403-280-7518 or fill in our online contact form.

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